Splash Award
Enter pool safely with teacher support Blow object on surface of the water Blow bubbles on surface of the water Perform front crawl kick with floatation aid and teacher support Perform backcrawl kick with floatation aid and teacher support Perform star float on back with floatation aid and teacher support
Bubble Award
Blow bubbles with face on the water Perform star float on front and back with teacher support Perform paddling action on front with noodle for 2m Perform backcrawl kick with floatation aids for 2m Collect sinkers with teachers support whilst blowing bubbles on or under water
Paddle Award
Enter water safely unaided Jump into the water and paddle back to the side Paddle on front unaided for 2m Kick on back unaided with arms by side for 2m Push and glide unaided to teacher on front and back Collect sinkers from under water with assistance